Tuesday 16 June 2020


Multiple civilizations have been thrown out of their home.  Take command of their force and lead them in their quest for vengeance and redemption.

Plan the strategy to take down the enemy planetary defenses. Use the resources wisely. Take control  of enemy planetary system by sizing them through battle. Every battle won will progress the story of conquest. Gather galactic resources and upgrade the defense of your planets and enhance your spaceships. Uncover the story.


There existed a peaceful coexistence all celestial systems under Cosmic Collaboration  for millenniums and war was forgotten history.

The race of light were the core of Cosmic Collaboration with the aid Trion's technology and Droconions military might.
Trions had hidden agenda of controlling entire cosmos to enrich themselves. Which was triggered few years ago.

Every celestial system was infiltrated by Trions agents, who assassinated all prime leaders of every faction and race. Eliminating top layer in an instance.
With military might of Droconions they scavenged one planet after the other.

Most of the survivors fled to the safety of harsh uncharted space.

Sunday 15 July 2018



A short story about What can a common man do to save his family in such desperate time. The dark force is unmatched by the mightiest of powers in the world. Can a normal person, with no strength and knowledge, defeat it to protect his family? At least for now?

Crowd SIM

Crowd simulation with panic mode

This pack posted in unity asset store. Click on the above link to visit it.
This pack provides following:
- Crowd moves around based on way-points system. 
- Totally customizable crowd. 
- Trigger panic to make people run to closest exit. 
- Navigation is updated on the go if any of the path becomes invalid. 

Download the demo here.and Version 2 here

What is Crowd Sim?
A real world simulation of people walking around avoiding obstacle and other people in a given area or location.

These people are smart enough to detect any panic event like a bomb blast or a gun fire and create a mess. People will run away from the blast to any exit point they can find( they will chose the closest and safest one).


Every person in the crowd must have Nav Mesh Obstacle and Nav Mesh Agent component attached.

Under Nav Mesh Obstacle must be placed in such a way that it should cover the entire mesh and must be a little over the floor/Ground collider.

Under Nav Mesh Agent the speed of 0.5 looks good on most humonide models, If it doesn't seem right , make it 1.
Angular speed should be 120 to be realistic. 90 will also seem fine. It's up to you to experiment and find the right value.

In walk script Wps stands for Way Points. Assign all the way points the person must walk through. After reaching last points the person walks to the first way point.
Every person must be strategically placed to make the crowd walking real.

Crowd Response script takes care of crowd response to panic trigger.

Trigger Panic
To trigger the panic press 'D' and left click. The crowd gets into panic mode and starts to run to safest and closest exit point.


To drop an obstacle  right click anywhere on the screen. An obstacle will be dropped at that location which will be avoided by the crowd.

Real Estate Showcase 
A real estate property mu be displayed to investors and potential buyers even before starting construction. Here is a demo that can help builders to showcase the proposed land, building variants and how that land will be used.

Download the demo here.


Birds Eye:
Use on screen buttons to move around the building, adjust the height of viewing and distance from building.

Walk around the Real Estate property like a real life person.
Use keys to move around
W - walk forward
S - walk backward
A - walk left
D - walk right

Free Fly:
Take control of drone and fly around the building to analyze every details.
Use keys to move
W - walk forward
S - walk backward
A - walk left
D - walk right
Q - Turn Left
E - Turn Right
Z - Turn Up
X - Turn Down

Switch between multiple building models to check which one fits best.

Simple Modular Dialogue System No Coding Needed

This pack posted in unity asset store. Click here to visit it.
This pack provides following:
NPC Dialogue system for RPG games A simple dialogue system for NPC's in your game.No programming needed, just drop the "interact" script on NPC gameobject. This dialogue system is similar to that of Fallout and skyrim.
- Player can ask few thing to NPC's.
- NPC's respond to that question or statement depending on whether they like or hate the player.
- NPC's may like or hate what player says.

Download the demo here.
Just click on blue objects(NPC's) to interact.

Neon Blasters

I don't own this game, but was part of the team that developed this game.
Try this game on Play Store.

Age Of Brain
I don't own this game, but was part of the team that developed this game.
Try this game on Play Store.